« Bharat Coking Coal Limited will be holding Pre-NIT meeting on 10.02.2025 from 11.30 am through Video Conferencing for discussion on draft NIT documents for engagement of an agency to provide technical assistance towards implementation of Cluster Value chain Based Economic Livelihood programme in Belgaria Township under BCCL, Dhanbad, Jharkhand for 3 years.
  Tenders/Auctions Closing Today
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S.No e-Published Date Bid Submission Closing Date Tender Opening Date Title and Ref.No./Tender ID Organisation Chain
1. 28-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 07-Feb-2025 09:00 AM 08-Feb-2025 10:00 AM [Electrical repairing/maintenance. Overhead line services main associated with railway siding and kessurgarh F/B including lighting arrangement etc.at ABOCP Mine under Block - II Area] [GM/B-II/AM (ENM)/E-TENDER/2024-25/295 dt 25.01.25][2025_BCCL_326977_1] Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_BLOCK II AREA
2. 28-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 07-Feb-2025 09:00 AM 08-Feb-2025 10:00 AM [Repairing of both end crusher roll of Feeder Breaker No-2 along with cutting and welding of Picks with holders before and after repairing of crusher roll of Kessurgarh ABOCP Mine of Block-II Area.] [GM/B-II/AM (ENM)/E-TENDER/2024-25/292 dt 25.01.25][2025_BCCL_326973_1] Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_BLOCK II AREA
3. 23-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 07-Feb-2025 09:00 AM 08-Feb-2025 10:00 AM [Complete Repairing and overhauling of 6.6 KV, 400 Amps GEC make H.T. OCB Sl. No.-M-285 CTR 400/5 of Nadkhurkee feeder breaker No-01 and 02 at ABOCP Mine] [GM/B-II/AM (ENM)/E-TENDER/2024-25/243 dt 21.01.25][2025_BCCL_326529_1] Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_BLOCK II AREA
4. 28-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 07-Feb-2025 09:00 AM 08-Feb-2025 10:00 AM [Cleaning, accumulating, re-handing and cleaning of coal into conveyor belt from souuounding narrow area of drive end and upto 10-15 Mtr along belt conveyor at Nadkhurkee F/B under ABOCP Mine Block - II Area] [GM/B-II/AM (ENM)/E-TENDER/2024-25/293 dt 25.01.25][2025_BCCL_326974_1] Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_BLOCK II AREA
5. 23-Jan-2025 04:00 PM 07-Feb-2025 09:00 AM 08-Feb-2025 09:00 AM [Supply testing and commissioning of Digital make digitizer and Junction box and replacement of mounting sets, insulation pads and stopper and bumper for the 50 T capacity Road WB1 under AKK OCP, BnK Area. ] [PE(EnM)/AKK OCP/e-tender/24-25/55][2025_CCL_326700_2] Central Coalfields Limited||B&K
6. 28-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 07-Feb-2025 09:00 AM 08-Feb-2025 10:00 AM [Repairing of jammed gear coupling FB NO- I and II and replacement of complete flight bar assy FB NO-I and II kessergarh site of ABOCP Minc. Block -II Area] [GM/B-II/AM (ENM)/E-TENDER/2024-25/297 dt 25.01.25][2025_BCCL_326984_1] Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_BLOCK II AREA
7. 28-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 07-Feb-2025 09:00 AM 08-Feb-2025 10:00 AM [Rubber lagging of 06 Nos conveyor drum of Nadkhurkee Feeder Breaker No 1 and 2 at ABOCP Mine Under Block-II Area] [GM/B-II/AM (ENM)/E-TENDER/2024-25/296 dt 25.01.25][2025_BCCL_326981_1] Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_BLOCK II AREA
8. 24-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 07-Feb-2025 09:00 AM 08-Feb-2025 10:00 AM [Complete Repairing and overhauling of 1250 Amps GEC make H.T. OCB for local controlling shovel-01 feeder at ABOCP Mine] [GM/B-II/AM (ENM)/E-TENDER/2024-25/278 dt 23.01.25][2025_BCCL_326746_1] Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_BLOCK II AREA
9. 28-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 07-Feb-2025 09:00 AM 08-Feb-2025 10:00 AM [Removal and cleaning of hard and jammed coal, coal lumps,fines etc spilled from feeder breaker and belt conveyor accumulated in and around conveyor structure, below and inside of conveyor gallery of Nadkhurkee F/B under ABOCP Mine Block - II Area] [GM/B-II/AM (ENM)/E-TENDER/2024-25/291 dt 25.01.25 ][2025_BCCL_326972_1] Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_BLOCK II AREA
10. 28-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 07-Feb-2025 09:00 AM 08-Feb-2025 10:00 AM [Repairing of Gear Coupling and hopper at Nadkhurkee F/B site of ABOCP Mine,Block-II Area] [GM/B-II/AM (ENM)/E-TENDER/2024-25/294 dt 25.01.25][2025_BCCL_326975_1] Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_BLOCK II AREA
Visitor No:6656433
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