Notices eProcurement System of Coal India Limited
The latest Tender documents issued by various Government Departments, Directorates, Organisations, Institutions and local bodies of Coal India Limited-CIL are listed here.
S.No e-Published Date Bid Submission Closing Date Tender Opening Date Title and Ref.No./Tender ID Organisation Chain
1. 18-Sep-2024 06:55 PM 30-Sep-2024 06:55 PM 01-Oct-2024 10:00 AM [New wiring at Muraidih check post and office of engineer in charge excavation of AMP Colliery Barora Area.]
 [BCCL/GM/AR-I/AM (ENM)/E-TENDER/2024-25/265][2024_BCCL_317773_1]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_BARORA AREA
2. 18-Sep-2024 06:00 PM 28-Sep-2024 06:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [One time cleaning of drain and garbage at Bhimkanali township under block II area]
 [GM/BII/CIVIL/E-TENDER/24-25/52 dated 18.09.2024][2024_BCCL_317746_1]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_BLOCK II AREA
3. 18-Sep-2024 06:00 PM 28-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 11:00 AM [Repairing Maintenance of Power Transformer Works]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_SIJUA AREA
4. 18-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 28-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 11:00 AM [Diversion/Erection of HT Power Line 3.3KV/6.6KV/11KV Overhead Line Works ]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_SIJUA AREA
5. 18-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 28-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 11:00 AM [Dismantling/ Transportation of M.S Pipe Line Works]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_SIJUA AREA
6. 18-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 28-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Cleaning of drains for monsoon preparation of Mudidih Colliery]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_SIJUA AREA
7. 18-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 28-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Repairing of quarter no. B/6/61, B/11/129 and 1178 at Tetulmari under Sijua Area]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_SIJUA AREA
8. 18-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 28-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Work of temporary transformer and switch room shed at NPC project view point under Sijua area]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_SIJUA AREA
9. 18-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 28-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Work of drain at B type chhath talab Nichitpur Township under Sijua Area]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_SIJUA AREA
10. 18-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 28-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Miscellaneous civil work at Basudeopur colliery under Sijua area]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_SIJUA AREA
11. 18-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 28-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Maintenance of Loyabad Cokeplant sub-station under Sijua area]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_SIJUA AREA
12. 18-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 28-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Repairing of collapsed boundary wall and fencing of kankanee store under Sijua Area]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_SIJUA AREA
13. 18-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 28-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Repairing of two nos. of drain at Mudidih colliery under Sijua area]
 [GM/SA/Civil/2024-25/eNIT-39 ][2024_BCCL_317668_1]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_SIJUA AREA
14. 18-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 28-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Repairing of A type QTR.No.-258 NPTS under Sijua Area]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_SIJUA AREA
15. 18-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 28-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Repairing and maintenance of a building for the shifting and installation of jogta sub-station at jogta siding and other misc. civil works in kankanee under Sijua Area]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_SIJUA AREA
16. 18-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 28-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Work of temporary masonary wall along with OB dump near jore at Tetulmari colliery under Sijua Area]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_SIJUA AREA
17. 18-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 28-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Heightening the well and installation of drinking water pipeline at Tetulmari CV-5 Sijua area]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_SIJUA AREA
18. 17-Sep-2024 06:00 PM 26-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 28-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Arrangement of 3 no of brick masonary dustbin ]
 [BCCL/GM/AR III/ACE/ E-NIT/24-25/38/1516-1541][2024_BCCL_317670_1]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_GOVINDPUR AREA
19. 17-Sep-2024 06:00 PM 26-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 28-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Repair and maintenance of qtrs. No. 145 and 140 ]
 [BCCL/GM/AR III/ACE/ E-NIT/24-25/42/1620-1645][2024_BCCL_317678_1]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_GOVINDPUR AREA
20. 17-Sep-2024 06:00 PM 26-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 28-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Repairing and heightening of stone masonary boundary wall ]
 [BCCL/GM/AR III/ACE/ E-NIT/24-25/41/1594-1619][2024_BCCL_317677_1]
Bharat Coking Coal Limited||BCCL_GOVINDPUR AREA
Visitor No:6656433
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