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The eProcurement System of Coal India Limited enables the Tenderers to download the Tender Schedule free of cost and then submit the bids online through this portal.
Tender Title
Reference No
Closing Date
Bid Opening Date
1. Repairing of Diesel Bowser under Urimari Project.
PE(EnM)/Urimari/e tender/24-25/29
14-Nov-2024 04:00 PM
15-Nov-2024 09:00 AM
2. Repairing and maintenance of existing Sub Area Office Building at Rawanwara-Chhinda Sub Area of Pench Area.
14-Nov-2024 03:00 PM
15-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
3. Repairing at Various establishments such as excavation office, filter plant, MTK office under ILBL OCP under Lakhanpur Area.
MCL/GM/LKPA/SOC/e-Tender /24-25/66 dt 04.11.24
19-Nov-2024 05:00 PM
21-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
4. Repairing and Painting of Community place near DAV school at BIT under Lakhanpur Area.
MCL/GM/LKPA/SOC/e-Tender /24-25/65 dt04.11.24
14-Nov-2024 05:00 PM
18-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
5. Complete repairing and rewinding of 450KW, 6.6 KV Marathon make HT motor with SI.No KTC/Motor/05 of Kathara Colliery Under Kathara Area.
15-Nov-2024 05:00 PM
16-Nov-2024 09:00 AM
6. providing and fixing of binding G.I.Wire 14SWG 1500 Kg for making the boxes N suitable for loading For a period of one year
18-Nov-2024 09:00 AM
19-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
7. Construction of New Septic Tank at CCWO Colony, Saraidhela, Dhanbad
BCCL/WD/ACE/Ten/WD/24-25/ 17
14-Nov-2024 05:00 PM
16-Nov-2024 01:00 PM
8. Provision of divider to separate light vehicle from Pipal chowk towards Bazartand more under CHP CPP Piparwar Area.
GM(PPR)/Civil/24-25 /2503
15-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
16-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
9. Providing PCC pavement at 5 MVA substation under Ashok OCP, Piparwar Area.
GM(PPR)/Civil/24-25 /2500
15-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
16-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
10. Repair of approach road and main gate of substation at Ray Bachra UG under Gm Unit, Piparwar Area.
GM(PPR)/Civil/24-25 /2501
15-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
16-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
Latest Tenders updates every 15 mins.
Corrigendum Title
Reference No
Closing Date
Bid Opening Date
1. Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum
08-Nov-2024 11:30 AM
09-Nov-2024 11:30 AM
2. Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum
08-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
09-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
3. Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum
08-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
09-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
4. Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum
/eTender/24-25/Kurasia/R-17/30 DATE 16-10-2024
08-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
09-Nov-2024 01:00 PM
5. Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum
08-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
09-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
6. Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum
ka3450-civ-s-e027 of 2024-25
08-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
09-Nov-2024 11:30 AM
7. Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum
08-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
09-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
8. Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum
KHD/G.M. (Excv)/E-Tender/24-25/588
08-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
09-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
9. Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum
08-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
09-Nov-2024 11:00 AM
10. Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum
GM-PND/EandM/24-25/109/548 dated 22/10/2024
08-Nov-2024 09:00 AM
09-Nov-2024 09:00 AM
Latest Corrigendum updates every 15 mins.
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